Pál Hegyi:On the American Sublime – From Puritanism to the Metamodern

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Pál Hegyi:On the American Sublime – From Puritanism to the Metamodern
Book review

On the Majesty of America is the first work on the subject to be published in Hungarian, providing a historical overview. His aesthetic quality, rooted in the sublime antiquity of both the Hudson River School landscapes (George Innes, Thomas Cole, Ralph Albert Blakelock) and the canonical 18th to 19th century paintings of the Hudson River School. in the great achievements of American transcendentalism and literature in the twentieth century (Ann Bradstreet, Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Melville, Ralph Waldo Emerson). A historical analysis of quality leads to the conclusion that contemporary subcategories of the sublime, such as the ecological, the digital or the neo-romantic, signal a return to the pre- and grand-modern aesthetics that preceded postmodern irony. The chapters of the book attempt to prove this by interpreting examples of contemporary literature and film.

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